Registering a food truck is essential to comply with the legal framework for mobile catering. It also ensures that customers can rely on the quality of the products and services offered by these vehicles. In the event of an inspection, you must always be able to produce your food truck’ s registration card and your certificate of activity.
How to register a food truck
Registering a food truck is a crucial step before you can legally operate a mobile catering business.
Vehicle registration
In order to register a food truck, it must be marked “Vasp Magasin” to be able to circulate legally. This endorsement is obtained by complying with the manufacturer’s standards, in particular with regard to axle load distribution, technical data on the construction of the openings, and by presenting a bodywork certificate. The food truck must then go to the DREAL (Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement) to validate the change of vehicle type.
Registration involves officially registering the food truck with the relevant authorities, providing the necessary documents such as proof of insurance, vehicle ownership certificate and permits obtained. This administrative procedure enables the food truck to be clearly identified, and certifies that it is legal to operate. The truck must be registered as a commercial vehicle and have a vehicle registration document.
Vehicle fittings
The vehicle must be fitted out in such a way as to limit health and safety risks (washable surfaces, sufficient work space, refrigeration equipment, etc.), and at least one member of the team must be trained in food hygiene (HACCP type). As space is limited compared to that of a traditional restaurant, the van’s layout must facilitate staff movement, so that orders can be prepared quickly and efficiently. To achieve this, the internal space may need to be transformed to make it more functional.
Check truck conformity and obtain certificates
To operate in full compliance, a declaration of activity must be made to the Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations (DDPP) at least 15 days before the start of business. The DDPP may carry out an unannounced visit to the truck to check that the installation complies with hygiene standards.
Depending on the regulations, various certificates may be required, such as a mobile catering license, a parking permit or a food hygiene training certificate for staff. Obtaining these documents is essential if you are to operate with peace of mind, and reassure customers of the quality and safety of the products on offer.
Safety and hygiene standards for food trucks
In France, regulations governing the operation of a food truck require the truck to meet current hygiene and food safety standards. This means having the right equipment for preserving, preparing and serving food, as well as complying with strict rules on cleanliness and traceability.
An interior designed for staff safety and efficiency
Safety is paramount in a food truck, especially when it comes to gas and electrical installations. Kitchen equipment must comply with quality and fire standards, which is why the equipment chosen must be certified for food truck use. To cope with the risk of fire, a food truck must be equipped with at least one fire extinguisher.
To avoid risks on the road, interior equipment must be securely fastened to avoid any risk of falling or injury in the event of sudden braking. For the same reason, provide enclosed storage for sharp utensils and install non-slip floor coverings.
In addition, your vehicle must meet weight distribution requirements. Don’t hesitate to have your truck weighed if necessary to check that the weight is correctly distributed. This is particularly important for the truck’s stability and maneuverability.
Last but not least, the materials used for interior fittings must be suitable for the food products sold, and comply with food hygiene and safety standards.
Hygiene standards: food preservation and best practices
Hygiene is a fundamental aspect of the catering business, and food trucks are no exception. These vehicles must comply with strict hygiene standards: the preparation area must be kept clean at all times, with work surfaces regularly disinfected. Food must be kept at the right temperature, in refrigerators and freezers in good working order.
Staff must wash their hands frequently and wear clean clothing, including a cap and gloves.
To keep your food in optimum condition, it’s essential to install the right refrigeration system. It must be able to maintain a temperature that preserves the freshness and quality of your products.
Your workspace should be designed to facilitate cleaning and avoid cross-contamination. Opt for smooth surfaces that are easy to disinfect, and allow sufficient space to separate the different zones (preparation, cooking, storage, etc.). A stainless steel worktop is often recommended for its ease of maintenance.
Implement regular cleaning and disinfection protocols, and ensure that your staff are trained in food hygiene rules. Frequent hand-washing, the wearing of clean gloves and clothing, and the use of appropriate disinfectant products are all essential gestures to adopt.
Opening a food truck: a dream for many entrepreneurs
Opening a mobile restaurant is the dream of many entrepreneurs. According to French regulations, a truck can only circulate and sell food if it is registered and certified. Registration can only take place if the vehicle is properly equipped and compliant. For safety reasons, it must also meet strictly defined standards. The vehicle must be fitted out in such a way as to guarantee staff safety and food preservation, and to facilitate internal travel. Regular checks may be carried out by the relevant authorities to validate the food truck’s conformity. Whether you’re looking to buy a new vehicle or a second-hand food truck, make sure it complies with the relevant standards before taking the plunge.